About Rolling With Liv

Rolling with Liv was founded in 2024 and is a personal advocacy brand in hopes of bringing awareness and education about the disability community and providing resources to young adults living with disabilities.

Mission + Values.

I hope to provide awareness and education about the disability community through communication, writing, and personal experience.


  • Advocacy

  • Community

  • Inclusion

  • Support

  • Accessible

  • People First

My Involvement and Advocacy Work

  • MDA Ambassador since 2017

  • Member of the Society of Health Communications

  • Staff Writer for Cripple Media

  • Young Adult Rare Representative (YARR)

  • Disability EmpowHer Network Member

    • EmpowHer Blog Writer

    • EmpowHer Social Media Committee


Rolling With Liv is here to support, bring awareness and education about the disability community Reach out →