Happy Disability Awareness Month!

Happy Disability Awareness Month! Reflecting over the past year, transitioning after college has been tough. However, I have had an amazing support team and resources to help me overcome these barriers and find new ways to adapt.

Since last year, I have found new communities to get involved with, written some articles for disability-owned organizations, become a member of different communities, and found a niche within them. And as of last night, I am an official Flying Pigs Foundation board member!

I made headway on this website and social media, hoping to gain new audiences and people who may go through a transition stage and need resources or someone to contact and be there for them in a time of need. (The next podcast episode is coming soon, I promise) But most importantly, it has allowed me to shed light on disability and share my experiences and story.

If there is one thing I have learned over this past year, it's this: learn from your support system. You will have battles, hurdles, challenges, barriers, and everything in between, but you have to fight, be strong and use your voice with family and friends supporting you every step of the way.

We are strong, brave individuals with a lot of passion, perspective, and lived experience. Use your voice and share your story; embrace and bring awareness to others. We got this!

Happy Disability Awareness month!


Update from my appointment