Rare Disease Day!

It’s Rare Disease Day, and what better day than celebrating it on February 29th, a day that only comes around every four years?!

To my friends and family, thank you for being you and supporting me through this wild journey. I hope one day we find a name for our disease and can have a plan for it down the road.

To my friends in the rare disease community, we got this, and I am forever grateful I found humans going through the same but different things. It is good to have people who understand what being rare and undiagnosed is like. We are just one of a kind, and that’s OKAY.

Research and continued advancements in science play a heavy role in my family's lives and other individuals living with rare diseases and conditions.

Celebrate and embrace your uniqueness on Rare Disease Day!


Embarking on change and growth


Celebrating 10 Years!