I am a young disabled individual

As a young 22 year old that is disabled, I am trying to find medical or adaptive equipment that is more or less cute or stylish. Not something that is going to make me feel ashamed that I am using this equipment. On this journey of looking for cute or stylish adaptive equipment, I realize that there is not anything other than patterns I would never choose, In addition everything that is equipment is labeled for the “elderly” or for “seniors” This makes me not want to buy the product because of my fear that I will get made fun of because it says for elderly. Newsflash.. not everyone is elderly that is disabled or disabled because your elderly. I want to feel confident in what I am using and I want it to be something that is going to be worn or used because it is cute. Is there a market of young disabled girls / boys that would want to purchase a product such as wheelchair or walker bags that are cute and stylish?


I am a unicorn

