I graduated and now what?

The ominous question of “What are your plans now that you graduated?” has been something I have been frequently asked over the last few days.

If you know me, I like to have my life planned out to a ‘T’ and like to know everything and how it will be for the next 5 years.

Well to be completely honest with you, I don’t know what is next for me. All I know is that I am in a stage of life right now where it is really scary not knowing what I want to do or how I want to do it.

After being home for a week before graduating, I had an aha moment of I want to start writing again, I want to start reading more and doing a mix of a little bit of everything - but not limit myself to just marketing or to just social media.

But as I keep getting reminded, it is okay not to have it all together right now, it is okay actually to figure out what I like and don’t like.

I have to remember that I am putting pressure on myself for no reason, I am giving myself anxiety for no reason. I need to take this next chapter gracefully and learn that It is OKAY not to have everything together. This is my time to explore, find myself, and figure it out.

If you are a recent grad like I am- take time to focus on yourself and stop comparing yourself to your peers- you will eventually get the job you want. It is just going to take time. Be patient and enjoy the moments that you have right now as you transition into this next chapter of life, which is called adulting.

We got this.


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