Transitioning Back Home

Being back home has been tough, not going to lie. I was excited to be done and graduated, but I didn’t realize how much independence I had in my own place. I have been home a few weeks now, and it’s for sure a change. I love being able to be back home with my family but adjusting to them being in a shared space has probably been the hardest. But in the scheme of things, college life was really hard on my body; I think I am going to enjoy the time I have right now to focus on myself and my well-being.

I feel like I am in a weird transition of graduating and being an adult but still living at home. In the last few weeks, I have been trying to figure out who I am, what I like to do, what I don’t like to do, and figure out a routine. It’s been a lot, but it is a challenge I am enjoying right now. I am not used to having all this time on my hands, but it is a much-needed time and something I have wanted to do for a while.




I graduated and now what?