Still looking for “the job”

I found this yesterday and thought it was fitting. It has been since April since I started applying for jobs, making connections, and having a few interviews. I still have had no success getting the response, “Sorry, we didn’t choose you because there was a candidate that was a better fit for the job.” It is frustrating, exhausting, and defeating. It has been a process and not something anyone can prepare you for. I thought it would be easy- boy, I thought wrong. I think it comes down to whether a company is willing to give a recent grad a chance. I feel better knowing that I am not the only one going through this but I think if it was meant to be, it will be. I have to keep trying, chugging along, and keeping my head up, and I will find my first job out of college. Just have to keep connecting, applying and not giving up.


Dating with a disability


I am a unicorn